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Register for the 30th UN/IAF Workshop on Space Technology for Socio-Economic Benefits

Source: UNOOSA

The United Nations, through its programme on space applications implemented by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), is co-organising the annual Workshop on Space Technology for Socio-Economic Benefits. In addition, the workshop hosted by Azercosmos and themed “Challenges and Capacity-building Opportunities for Emerging Space Nations” will be held between 29 September – October 2023 at the Baku Convention Centre, Baku, Azerbaijan.

The workshop aims to unite people conducting capacity-building activities from the government, space agencies, research institutes, academia, and non-governmental organisations. In addition, the programme aims to gather individuals interested in building partnerships to accelerate capacity-building programmes in developing nations about using space technologies and applications for sustainable economic, social and environmental development.


The workshop will foster an interactive discussion on increasing capabilities in space technologies and applications within developing countries and increasing awareness of their benefits. The main objectives of the Workshop include the following:

Furthermore, presentations during the workshop will be published on the Office for Outer Space Affairs website to increase awareness about the capabilities and benefits of space technology applications. In addition, the report of the workshop and its recommendations will be distributed to the participants and the United Nations (UN) Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.

Programme Details

The programme will feature presentations grouped into sessions where speakers discuss a specific topic. In addition, the programme will also feature a panel discussion during which speakers give short introductory statements, followed by a moderated discussion among speakers and questions with the audience.

Please note a detailed programme will be released in July 2023.

Nonetheless, to facilitate the discussions and the search for partnerships, three topics are of importance in the call for abstracts:

Topic 1: Available capacity-building opportunities;

Speakers will share information about current capacity-building activities that they can make available to other countries/regions at no cost; the capacity-building activities proposed will be within one of the following categories:

Topic 2: Lessons Learned in building educational opportunities;

Speakers will critically assess what elements are needed to maximise the impact of capacity-building initiatives to develop space activities in their country or region. 

Furthermore, government officials, space agencies, research and development institutions, policy and decision-makers, members of academia, educators and the private sector are welcome to share their experiences. In addition, they are welcome to explain effective mechanisms vital in developing a skilled workforce and proffer advice beneficial for non-space-faring nations.

Topic 3: Needs of new space-faring nations or non-space-faring nations to develop and obtain space-related knowledge and skills.

Speakers will explain their needs, the practical problems they encountered when attempting to develop a workforce and a space industry in their own country, and issues they face to raise awareness of what benefits space can bring to daily life. Topics might include an overview of their needs in space technology and applications education. They also need to ensure that the benefits of space applications are better understood among policymakers.

Call for Abstracts

Interested Individuals must submit their abstracts via the 30th UN/IAF Workshop registration form by 4 June 2023

No late submissions will not be considered.

When submitting abstracts for this workshop, please note that:

Successful applicants will be informed of their abstract status by 30 June 2023.


Sponsorship for the workshop is still open; interested individuals can contact UNOOSA at

Expected Participants

The workshop will accommodate 150 participants. They include technical experts, innovators, educators, policy- and decision-makers from international, regional, national and local institutions, United Nations agencies, intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations, research and development institutions, and industry experts.

Participants will be selected up to the room’s maximum capacity based on relevant professional and/or academic experience.

Financial Support

Within the limited financial resources available, UNOOSA may provide funding for individuals selected as speakers whose nationality is classified as a developing country based on their nationality and relevant professional or educational background. In addition, for the list of developing countries, please refer to the annexe of the “World Economic Situation and Prospects 2023” report,

Other supports include:

Please note that only applicants who submit an abstract in the programme for an oral presentation at the workshop will be considered for financial support.


Applicants must register here before 4 June 2023.

Additional Information

UNOOSA may provide funding for individuals selected as speakers from a developing country.

For more details, see the UNOOSA website

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