AERAP is Organising the Africa-Europe Science and Innovation Summit
The Africa-Europe Science Collaboration Astronomy Platform (AERAP) is organising the Africa-Europe Science and Innovation Summit. The summit will hold virtually from June 14 to...
DARA Big Data is Organising a Big Data School and Hackathon...
Development in Africa with Radio Astronomy (DARA) Big Data, in conjunction with Technical University, Kenya, International Astronomical Union - Office of Astronomy for Development...
Eight Projects from Africa will Receive IAU OAD Annual Grant for...
The International Astronomical Union — Office of Astronomy for Development (IAU OAD) has announced the result of the seventh annual call for proposals. 20...
2018 Girls Astronomers Camp
The Girls camp is an OAD/IAU (Office of Astronomy for Development)/(International Astronomical Union) initiative, funded and supported by Astronomers Without Borders International (AWB), Universe...