African Air Expo to take place in November


African Air Expo will take place at King Shaka International Airport in Durban between November 27-29, 2018.

The event will take place at King Shaka International Airport in Durban, South Africa, in collaboration with the Government of KwaZulu-Natal,

and will welcome exhibitors and delegates from across the African continent.

African Air Expo is aiming to attract a mix of General, Business and Commercial Aviation exhibitors who will come together on a static area of 50 000 sqm. The designated space will accommodate over 100 aircraft ranging in size from single and twin-engine models, turboprops, and executive jets through to commercial wide-body aircraft.

The event will have strategic exhibition dimensions which are segmented for each aviation business need, this will include an outdoor static display showcasing the latest aircraft the industry has to offer, dedicated exhibition areas focused on all segments of the industry with chalets and tents located next to the runway enabling manufacturers to present their entire range of aircraft and to facilitate and arrange demonstration flights. Leading aviation companies are targeted for the African Air Expo, alongside key local and regional industry partners and stakeholders such as the South African Civil Aviation Authority, South African Airports Company, South African Airways, and other prestigious aviation brands based in South Africa, one of the most dynamic aviation industries in Africa. The support and partnership with the Government will allow for a world-class event for both exhibitors and attendees of the aviation industry.

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