Apply for Travel Grant to attend 12th AARSE International Conference in Egypt


The 12th AARSE International Conference, AARSE 2018, Earth Observations and Geospatial Science in service of Sustainable Development Goals will be held in Alexandria, Egypt, at the Arab Academy of Science and Technology from 25th to 29th of October, 2018.

This conference will be a major event in the African and international community of Earth observation and geospatial information science in 2018; it will be organized by the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE) and the Arab Academy of Science and Technology, in partnership with the National Authority for Remote Sensing & Space Sciences (NARSS).

This conference fellowship is put in place to support travel costs, accommodation and registration fees to attend conferences of IEEE-GRSS and AARSE in the field of Earth observation by remote sensing. The beneficiaries of the fellowships shall be African scientists or students who have had a paper accepted for oral or poster presentation at the AARSE biennial or IGARSS conference provided that:

  1. The recipient is normally resident in Africa at the time of the award;
  2. The recipient has not previously received an award of one of these fellowships
  3. The recipient must be a registered member of IEEE-GRSS and/or AARSE
  4. The age or professional status (student, lecturer, or professor) shall not be basis for exclusion.
  1. The recipient shall have submitted a full paper for the conference for platform or poster presentation. (The evaluation committee will determine from the Conference Technical Committee whether the paper has been accepted by the reviewers. Therefore, applicants should not wait to hear if their paper has been accepted before submitting their application. The deadline for submission of the application is 29th July 2018)
  1. Applicants shall complete and submit the attached application form, supported by the following documents:
  • A copy of the applicant’s CV
  • A full paper formatted in 2-column format according to the paper kit section on final papers (download from
  • A letter of motivation and commitment. This letter shall include:
    • A declaration that the applicant has not previously been awarded an IEEE GRSS/AARSE Travel Fellowship.
    • A commitment that the applicant will submit a trip report to the Committee of Trustees (by email to with a copy to within two months of the conference.
  • A commitment that the applicant will include an acknowledgement of sponsorship in their presentation, and in any publication resulting directly from the conference presentation, with words to the effect that: “The author acknowledges financial support through an IEEE GRSS/AARSE TRAVEL FELLOWSHIP”.

Apply for a Travel Grant to attend this conference

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