Apply to join South African Space Agency


Apply now for SANSA postgraduate bursary for the 2019 Academic Session in the different fields. See below poster for full information

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  1. I am an academic at the University of Essex with research interests in computational intelligence / machine learning and Internet of Things (IoT) for human centered intelligent systems.

    I am quite interested in exploring research / funding opportunities that could benefit Kenya. Specifically, these could be related to exploring topics around intelligent technology enabled applications for smart cities, food security, sustainable and renewable energy, health informatics, environment matters or building economic resilience and security.

    I am looking for collaborative research / funding opportunities to work on projects related to space in relation to the above topics.

    I was specially interested in the work of the Broglio Space Center in Malindi and its ground control and data receiving activities for international missions. I wondered if there would be collaborative research opportunities to work with the BSC and / or other space relate research which would benefit from the application of machine learning and data analytics.

    Kind regards
