The IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC) is organizing, in collaboration with partners, the 62nd Greater Horn of Africa Climate Outlook Forum (GHACOF 62) for the October to December 2022 season. It is part of the IGAD regional strategy for mainstreaming climate services in key socio-economic sectors’ plans for sustainable development. The theme of this forum is “Managing Climate Risks for Resilience”.
The event is in hybrid forum and will be held in Mombasa, Kenya, physically and via Zoom for the virtual delegates on the 25th of August.
GHACOF62 will bring together climate scientists, researchers, users from key socio-economic sectors, governmental and non-governmental organizations, development partners, decision-makers, and civil society stakeholders among others. The forum will be preceded by the Climate Prediction Development workshop from 15th to 19th August 2022 to be held at ICPAC and co-production workshops with key sectors such as Agriculture, Water, Energy, Health, Livestock, Conflicts, and Disaster Risk Management among others from 23rd to 24th August 2022.
The main objectives of the forum will be to:
- Present feedback on performance and impacts of the June to September 2022 season;
- Present the consolidated objective regional climate outlook for the OND 2022 season;
- Deliberate and provide implications of the OND 2022 climate forecast and management strategies;
- Provide a regional interaction platform for decision-makers, climate scientists, research scientists, users of climate information and development partners; and
- Release the forum outcomes and GHACOF 62 statement.
Furthermore, the working language for the forum will be English. Interested participants especially from relevant socio-economic sectors, development partners, end users of climate services, academia, researchers, climate information providers and humanitarian agencies are invited to register by 15th August, 2022.
For more information, please visit here.
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