Copernicus Master In Digital Earth Calls For Scholarships


Open data access has greatly enhanced the potential for realizing a range of societal benefits, the Erasmus Mundus funded Joint Master Programme addresses the associated capacity building needs on a graduate level. Therefore, the European Union Earth Observation Programme, Copernicus, has opened applications for Copernicus Master in Digital Earth till the 15th of January 2020. 

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) Programme is a two year full-time integrated programme. The programme aims at qualifying individuals to lead initiatives, projects, and institutions translating Copernicus data into information that serves as a decision support tool in various sectors.
The African Union-led Global Monitoring for Environment and Security and Africa (GMES and Africa) Programme uses Copernicus Satellite data and information for the management of land and marine-based resources in Africa. The GMES and Africa Programme encourage interested African Earth Observation experts to apply for the Copernicus Masters on Digital Earth scholarship.
Erasmus+ EMJMD scholarships are available for European and international students. 17 scholarships will be available for this intake (6 Programme Countries = EU, 11 Partner Countries). A maximum of 30 students will start their studies on Copernicus Master in Digital Earth starting from October 2020. Scholarship awarded students are expected to arrive at the University of Salzburg, in Salzburg, Austria is Mid-September 2020.
Digital Earth is a concept leveraging on geospatial technologies for better management of societies, environments, and economies. It plays a strategic and sustainable role in addressing challenges of humanity such as natural resource depletion, food and water insecurity, energy shortages, environmental degradation, natural disasters response, population explosion, and negative impacts of climate change. Digital Earth is an integral part of advanced technologies including earth observation, geo-information systems, global positioning systems, communication networks, and sensor webs.
Click here to apply and get further information 

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