As part of the implementation of the Development of PALOP Knowledge in Radioastronomy (DOPPLER) project, a partnership between Portugal and Mozambique, which aims to train local scientists and engineers in Mozambique in the areas of astronomy, data science, and Earth observation, the Eduardo Mondlane University will host a one-week training titled “Training session in Big Data” between July 28th to August 2nd, 2019.
The contents of these training will be facilitated by Prof. Dr. João Paulo Barraca from the University of Aveiro (UA- Portugal), Prof. Dr. Diogo Gomes from the University of Aveiro (UA- Portugal) and prof. Dr. Domingos Barbosa from the Institute of Telecommunications (IT- Portugal).
They will be covering the following topics:
- Operating Systems – Linux and networks
- Encode 2030: Programming- From C to Python
- Cyber Infrastructure and Internet of Things
- SKA / Radioastronomy Big Data
Applications are now open for the selection of 30 participants. Students, teachers and researchers from the Eduardo Mondlane University and other higher education institutions (public and private), public/private officials from all areas of interest are encouraged to apply.
General requirements:
Letter of motivation, with a maximum of 250 words, explaining the importance of the course in your area of interest.
The specific requirement for students: 2nd year of undergrad, including masters.
Application procedure:
Send the letter of motivation to the following e-mail address:, until July 15.
Location: Eduardo Mondlane University, Main Campus, Faculty of Sciences, Physics Department, Astrophysics Laboratory.
Note: An academic lunch will be served, snacks will be provided to participants. However, the organization is not responsible for transport, nor for the accommodation of the participants.
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