The International Astronomical Union General Assembly 2024 (IAU GA) and the African Astronomical Society (AfAS) Outreach and Education Committee, in partnership with the University of the Western Cape (UWC), South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO), Iziko Museums of South Africa, North West University (NWU) and the Inter-University Institute for Data-Intensive Astronomy (IDIA), have announced “The Beauty of Astronomy” online art competition, under the #AfricaLookUp campaign.
The goal of “The Beauty of Astronomy” online art competition aims to spark imagination and ignite passion for astronomy. Participants will explore astronomical concepts, conduct research, and transform their findings into captivating works of art.
- Primary School Students;
- Secondary School Students; and
- University Students.
- Artwork should be the original design and creative work of the students;
- Artwork should not contain any potentially offensive or inappropriate material for public display. Such posters will be excluded from the competition;
- E-posters should not be bigger than 25 MB;
- Not allowed to use ChatGPT;
- Only one submission per individual or group is allowed in a single file;
- By submitting, students and teachers permit their work to be displayed at various events, publications, promotional material, and in electronic format on the internet without expectation of royalties or benefits;
- The judges’ decision is final;
- Selected posters and e-posters will be featured in an exhibition at the International Astronomical Union’s General Assembly and during the 2024 South African National Science Week. The artwork will be showcased at different centres across the country.
How to Apply
- Submissions: A photograph of the physical poster and an E-poster should be submitted via this form;
- Participants must submit their full name, contact details, and the name of the school/institution they attend AND grade with a brief introduction of their artwork (a Maximum of 100 Words); and
- Uploaded artwork files must be named “Artwork2024_Fullname”. (“Full name” is the artist’s first and last name).
Interested participants must submit all required documents by 30 June 2024.
For more information, click here.
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