Participate in the One Family, One Telescope Contest

Photo Credit: @mvdheuvel via Unsplash

The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) and the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach (OAO) are celebrating the diversity of families around the world with a 30 telescopes giveaway.

To participate and receive a NAOJ Telescope KIT, just email the IAU Office via and share a photo of you and your family, with a message (max. 280 characters) explaining how will you celebrate astronomy in your neighbourhood or with your extended family if you win the NAOJ Telescope KIT.

NAOJ and the IAU Office intend to celebrate the beautiful diversity of families around the world by sharing the amazing Universe with you, your neighbors, extended family and friends, together, under one sky.

Thirty winners, with the best messages, will receive a NAOJ Telescope KIT.

Deadline for submissions: July 31, 2019

More Information

This is a special activity within IAU100 celebrations, dedicated to the memory of Norio Kaifu, former IAU President, that passed away on 13 April 2019, and dreamt of “one family, one telescope”. Norio Kaifu served as IAU President from 2012 to 2015, having been Vice-President from 1997 to 2003. He was also Professor Emeritus at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) where he served as Director General from 2000 to 2006.


Lina Canas | IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach / International Outreach Coordinator |

Visit the contest announcement page.

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