The National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA)- Centre for Basic Space Science, in collaboration with IAU Office for Astronomy for Development, is hosting the Astronomy Development for the Girl-Child Using Optical Telescope project in Nigeria between 7 – 9 June 2023 at the Centre for Basic Space Science, Nsukka, Nigeria.
In Africa, the study of astronomy needs to catch up compared to what is obtainable in the Western world. The story is similar in Nigeria, as astronomy is not part of her secondary school curriculum. Thus, the project “Astronomy Development for the Girl-Child Using Optical Telescope in Nigeria” is a unique project geared towards awakening the interest of the girl-child for active participation in astronomical activities. In addition, some of the project’s highlights include building telescopes, star gazing, and solar system modelling, amongst other activities. The project aims to awaken girls’ interest in astronomy activities and bridge the gap by bringing astronomy education closer to the selected secondary schools in Enugu State, Nigeria.
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