SGAC opens call to host the 3rd African Space Generation Workshop


Based on the success of the 1st and 2nd African Space Generation Workshop (AF-SGW), SGAC will organise the 3rd African Space Generation Workshop in 2019 and we are looking for the perfect place for this event.

Deadline for Application: 28 February 2019

The call is open to SGAC members in the African Region.

Ideal bids should come from countries able to attract sponsorships and qualified speakers to the event.

In your bid, please explain why the suggested city would be a perfect place for the 3rd African Space Generation Workshop. For this, please provide information about the following:

  • Suggested date (Possible dates for the events shall be in late 2019)
  • Venue (cost, capacity, access)
  • Location (travel, accommodation, etc.) The city proposed shall be easy to access from abroad (max 1 flight).
  • Estimated budget
  • Possible local sponsorships for the event
  • Short bio (with date of birth) of the Event Manager and Co-Event Manager

The following items are a plus:

  • Prior experience with organizing events and with SGAC (either team membership or attending an SGAC event)
  • Letters of support to the bid from organizations, universities, associations etc.
  • Event in conjunction with the Workshop (major space event / conference / congress / program)
  • Suggested program for the workshop (including potential speakers)

Important to know:

  • Bid has to be submitted by National Point of Contacts. If your country does not have an NPoC, please liaise directly with the Regional Coordinators and Regional Events Coordinator before submitting your proposal
  • The maximal length of the proposal is 5 pages (appendixes like supporting letters and full CVs of the Event Manager and Deputy Manager does not count in this limit)
  • The Event Manager could be any SGAC member (aged 18-35 and registered on the SGAC website), but citizenship or temporal residency of the given country is a required
  • The Deputy Event Manager could be any SGAC member (aged 18-35 and registered on the SGAC website)
  • The AF-SGW Manager and Deputy Manager will work under the supervision of the SGAC Regional Events Coordinator
  • This is a volunteer position
  • The bid will be evaluated by the African Regional Coordinators, the SGAC Regional Events Coordinator and the 2nd AF-SGW Event Managers
  • If the bid is accepted, the Event Managers will receive a starter kit for SGAC events and they will be asked to issue a Call for Organizing Team among SGAC members

For more information and how to apply, Click here.

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