The South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) is calling for observing proposals for MeerKAT, seeking to maximize the scientific impact of the telescope while contributing to South African scientific leadership and human capital development.
Important information about the Call
- Who can submit?
Proposals submitted under this Call for Proposals (CfP) may be led by any researcher (including postdocs and PhD students), regardless of affiliation.
- Available Capabilities and Constraints
This CfP is open for imaging projects only. It is expected that at a minimum 1000 hours of telescope time will be available through this CfP, with all approved projects to be scheduled by no later than end 2021.
- Pilot Studies
The current CfP is for Regular Open Time (OT) proposals (those requesting up to 100 hours of telescope time). It is not open to Large OT projects (those requiring more than 100 hours, possibly over several years).
- Determining Targets for Observation and Time Requests
MeerKAT observing projects are approved to address specific science goals, alongside the targets/fields and integration time/modes required to achieve those scientific objectives. Newly proposed projects may not unduly clash with the specific science goals of previously approved active projects.
- Components of proposal
All complete proposals consist of a minimum of 4 mandatory sections (cover sheets; scientific & technical justification; data analysis/management plan; the output of sensitivity calculators). Depending on circumstances, proposals will contain up to 2 additional sections (status of prior MeerKAT observations; HCD plan)
- Review of Proposals
All valid proposals received under this CfP will be evaluated on the merits of their science case and feasibility. In addition, proposals containing a South African HCD component will be evaluated on the strength of its plan. Proposals with South African-based PIs that build South African capacity for Key Science with SKA1 will be advantaged in the review process.
- Timelines
This CfP is being issued on 1 July 2020. Proposals may be submitted on the submission system until 12:00 UTC on 1 September 10 2020. Successful proposals will start being scheduled on MeerKAT as soon as the review process is completed and communication on outcomes is provided to PIs. This is expected to happen towards the end of 2020.
- Contact Information
Any remaining questions pertaining to the current MeerKAT Call for Proposals should be addressed to SARAO as soon as possible in advance of proposal preparation/submission by emailing Feedback on the documentation and tools associated with this CfP is also welcome.
For further information about the call, please click here.
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