The University of Manchester Opens Application for a Research Support Scientist In e-MERLIN/VLBI


The Department of Physics & Astronomy of the University Of Manchester is pleased to announce the opportunity for up to two Research Support Scientist positions to join the e-MERLIN/VLBI National Facility Science Operations and User Support group within the Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics (JBCA).

Candidates with expertise in radio interferometric science and observations, observatory operations and/or data processing techniques. These positions will provide support for scientific users of the e-MERLIN facility, and contribute to operations and the ongoing development of this world-class facility. You will be expected, and strongly encouraged, to also pursue independent research.

e-MERLIN is a SKA-Pathfinder instrument comprising of a network of seven large radio telescopes across the UK linked to a central operation and processing hub at Jodrell Bank Observatory (JBO), with an associated scientific support unit based in the Alan Turing Building, Manchester. The network of telescopes provides a world-leading facility for high-resolution astronomical imaging at centimeter wavelengths.

The e-MERLIN/VLBI National Facility is operated by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and the University of Manchester for use by the worldwide astronomy community. e-MERLIN is utilized by hundreds of scientists in the UK and around the world to investigate a wide range of astrophysical phenomena, from planet formation and stellar physics through to extragalactic star formation, jet astrophysics, gravitational lens studies and resolved imaging of high redshift galaxies.

The Department of Physics & Astronomy is strongly committed to promoting equality and diversity, including the Athena SWAN charter for gender equality in higher education. The Department holds a Silver Award which recognizes their good practice in relation to gender; including flexible working arrangements, family-friendly policies, and support to allow staff to achieve a good work-life balance.

Candidates are requested to include a document with a cover letter, CV and list of publications with their applications.

For inquiries about vacancy shortlisting and interviews, contact
Manager: Rob Beswick (Head of Science Operations and Support, e-MERLIN/VLBI National Facility)
Administrative contact: Andrew Gordon (Operations Officer, Jodrell Bank Observatory)

Click to apply

For general inquiries, email or call 0161 275 4499

This vacancy will close for applications at midnight of 7th October 2019

Click for further documents and candidate specification criteria that should be addressed in your application.

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