The West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL), with funding from the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), has opened its call for application for the 5th batch of postgraduate scholarship for students within west africa. Programmes have different climate change thematic areas that seek to raise the next generation of African scientists and policymakers.
- Only West African students within the WASCAL member countries are qualified to apply.
- Female candidates are strongly advised to apply.
Selected applicant will enjoy 100% scholarship in any of the 12 Climate Change Postgraduate programmes in 11 West African countries.
- Informatics for Climate Change, Burkina Faso (click here to apply)
- Climate Change and Marine science, Cabo Verde (click here to apply)
- Climate Change and Water Resources, Benin (click here to apply)
- Climate Change and Land Use, Ghana (click here to apply)
- Climate Change and Agriculture, Mali (click here to apply)
- Climate Change and Energy, Niger (click here to apply)
- West African Climate Systems, FUTA- Nigeria (click here to apply)
- Climate change and Human Habitat, FUTMINNA- Nigeria (click here to apply)
- Climate Change Economics, Senegal (click here to apply)
- Climate Change and Education, The Gambia (click here to apply)
- Climate Change and Disaster Risks Management, Togo (click here to apply)
For enquiries,
For more information, kindly check here.
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