Application Open For 6th African School of Fundamental Physics and Applications


The 6th edition of the African School of Fundamental Physics and Applications ASP 2020 is inviting application for its theoretical, experimental, and applied physics biennial African School of Fundamental Physics and Applications, ASP2020, to take place on July 5-25, 2020, at Faculté des Sciences Semlalia, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco

The aim of the Biennial African School of Fundamental Physics and Application is to build capacity to harvest, interpret, and exploit the results of current and future physics experiments and to increase proficiency in related applications. It also seeks to achieve sustainable training in Africa by encouraging investments in research and development and international cooperation. Through this work, we hope that the community of scientists
who are at the forefront of science is enhanced and diversified thus fulfilling the mission of international research and education.

The participating students are selected from all over Africa. A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants.

The school also offers a workshop to train high school teachers, an outreach to motivate high school pupils and a physics conference to support broader participation of African research faculties. The duration of the school allows for networking, interactions among the participants.

Access and participation in fundamental science is an important right. Through this work, it is hoped that the community of scientists who are at the forefront of science is enhanced and diversified thus fulfilling the mission of international research and education.

Main topics

  1. Nuclear and Particle Physics;
  2. Astrophysics and Cosmology;
  3. Accelerators, Radiation and Medical Physics;
  4. Materials Physics;
  5. High-Performance Computing;
  6. Physics Education;
  7. Physics Communication;
  8. Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency;
  9. Quantum Information.

ASP Activities

Students—with a minimum of 3-year university education in fundamental and applied physics—who had not attended the ASP before, may apply here

Deadline for application: 15 January 2020.

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