PASTMCC is a Pan-African science communication competition sponsored by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and supported by the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) South Africa and AIMS Senegal.
Instructions for video creators
Create the film(s):
- Create a new video where you explain some established concepts in math, science, or tech. By ‘science’, we mean physical sciences: biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, earth science, environmental science, agricultural science, computer science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Entries in math, statistics, and tech are also welcome;
- The video should be in prominent English and be six minutes long or shorter. However, you can submit separate replicas of the video in other languages for bonus prize money. Native African languages are especially welcome;
- The number of films you can submit is unlimited. Submit as many as you wish. The more films you submit, the higher your chances of winning. It is possible to win more than one prize;
- If you would like to explain a more elaborate concept, you can make a sequence of short videos, each six minutes long or less;
- Working in groups is certainly permitted. If your group wins a prize, all members will have their names announced as winners. However, the prize money will be sent to one designated person, and it will be up to you to divide the winnings as you collectively decide; and
- Films can be made on Zoom, Discord, Webex, …, with your phone, or any other method.
Get two experts to approve your videos:
- Have a minimum of two experts watch your video(s) and have them check them for correctness and clarity. (Three experts is ideal, but not necessary.);
- The experts must (a) hold a PhD in the general topic area of your videos, or (b) they must have a degree in the topic of your videos and be currently employed in that area; and
- Have the experts each sign a Referee Form (attached).
Create your YouTube channel, post your video, and send us the link.
- To create your YouTube channel, click here.
- In case you don’t already have a Gmail account: click here to create one
- Once you’ve created your YouTube channel, upload your video(s).
- In your video’s description (or comments), please display the following sentence: “This film has been submitted to the 2024 Pan African STM Cinema Competition. It has been refereed and approved by Dr …… from ……. University, and by Dr …… from …….. University.”
Eligibility for PASTMCC
The competition welcomes participants aged 13 and older with a valid passport, birth certificate, or national identification card from an African country.
Prizes for Participating in PASTMCC
- Prizes of EUR 1,000 each are available, with the total prize pool reaching EUR 7,000, depending on the number of high-quality videos submitted.
Deadline to Apply for PASTMCC
Interested individuals must email their names and contact details, links to their videos the signed referee forms here before 30 October 2024.
For more information, click here.
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