Apply for the UNISA Astronomy and SKA Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Source: Academic Conferences International

The Astronomy and Square Kilometer Array (SKA) catalytic niche area of the College of Science, Engineering and Technology, University of South Africa (UNISA) invites interested candidates to apply for its Postdoctoral Fellowship positions in Astronomy (especially Radio Astronomy). These positions are funded through the Astronomy flagship programme of UNISA for three years. The total fellowship amount is R360 000 (USD 19,131) per annum.

Members of the niche area conduct leading research using world-class astronomical facilities including SALT, HartRAO 26m telescope, MeerKAT, Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), European VLBI Network (EVN), e-MERLIN, East-Asian VLBI Network (EAVN) and actively collaborate in the HESS project, MeerKAT Legacy Surveys, Maser Monitoring Organisation, University of California Berkeley SETI project and the SKA project.

Successful candidates are expected to conduct research in collaboration with members of the niche area on interferometric data processing, masers (theory and observational), star formation, star clusters,galaxy evolution, Galaxy Clusters, SETI and machine learning applications to radio data interpretation. Co-supervision of postgraduate students and participation in astronomy outreach activities are part of the duties of the postdoctoral fellow.


Interested candidates must have obtained PhD in Astronomy/Astrophysics within the last five years

How to Apply

Interested candidates must email the following documents to Professor James O. Chibueze at

  • Cover letter;
  •  CV with a list of publications;
  • Research plan; and
  • Arrange for two referees to send reference letters directly.

Applications must be submitted before 15 September 2023. In addition,  late applications will only be considered if positions remain available.

For more information, visit here.

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