Attend the 4th African Space Generation Workshop

The 4th African Space Generation Workshop (AF-SGW) is taking place on February 25—26, 2021, at GIMPA Conference Hall, Accra, Ghana.

4th African Space Generation Workshop

The 4th African Space Generation Workshop (AF-SGW) is taking place on February 25—26, 2021, at GIMPA Conference Hall, Accra, Ghana.

The organiser, the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), had postponed the workshop to the new date because of the coronavirus pandemic. The two-day regional workshop would convene students, young professionals, agencies and industries representatives from across Africa.

The theme for the 4th African Space Generation Workshop is “A United Africa for Space Innovation: A Step Towards Our Common Future”. The workshop can also be attended virtually via Space Generation Youtube channel.

AF-SGW provides an opportunity for the future leaders of Africa’s space endeavours to establish relationships, exchange ideas and knowledge, and to collaborate on brainstorming new ideas and solutions using space technology for the benefit of Africa.

Who should attend?
Students and young professionals between the ages of 18 to 35 years old (as of February 25, 2021) who are resident or whose country of citizenship is in Africa and are passionate about the space industry to apply to be part of the delegation. Past delegates have attended from all around Africa and from a wide variety of disciplines, including engineering, business, science, arts, medicine and law. Space enthusiasts from across the world are also encouraged to participate in AF-SGW.

The 4th African Space Generation Workshop attendees would have the opportunity to learn, share knowledge and network with fellow students and young professionals in the space industry, and meet the industry’s leaders and experts.

Also, all discussions from the working groups are expected to produce recommendations to relevant public, private and non-governmental sectors, helping to shape the future of the African space industry.

Reports and recommendations from the workshop will be presented at high-level conferences and included in the SGAC annual report submitted to the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS).

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