Call for Experts to Contribute to the EO/GI Body of Knowledge


The EO4GEO (Earth Observation for Geoinformation) project invites experts in the Earth Observation or Geographic Information (EO/GI) sectors to participate in developing a Body of Knowledge (BoK). Furthermore, EO4GEO is looking for professionals and academics ready to support the description of the particular concepts in different inter-related knowledge areas by commenting and contributing to the elaboration of the relevant texts.

EO4GEO is an Erasmus+ Sector Skills Alliance gathering 26 partners from 13 European Union (EU) countries, most of which are part of the Copernicus Academy Network. EO4GEO aims to bridge the skills gap in the space/geospatial sector by creating a strong alliance of players from the community, reinforcing the existing ecosystem, and fostering the uptake and integration of space/geospatial data and services.

The space/geospatial sector is of strategic importance since it already supports many European, national and sub-national policy domains. However, data and services are still used in a sub-optimal way, especially the uptake of existing data and services and their integration in added-value services for government, business, and citizens could be improved a lot.

Several studies have revealed that the lack of specialized technical and scientific skills impedes this uptake by private companies and other actors. Moreover, there is also a gap between the offerings of academic and vocational education and training at both universities and private companies and what is needed to make this uptake happen fluently.

EO4GEO will define a long-term and sustainable strategy to fill the gap between the supply of and demand for space/geospatial education and training, considering the current and expected technological and non-technological developments in space/geospatial and related sectors.

EO4GEO will work in an interdisciplinary way and apply innovative solutions for its education and training actions, including:

  • Case-based and collaborative learning scenarios; 
  • Learning-while-doing in a living lab environment; 
  • On-the-job training; 
  • The co-creation of knowledge, 
  • Skills and competencies; etc.

EO4GEO would appreciate your support by joining the Network of EO/GI (Earth Observation/ Geographic Information) experts. To join the network, please fill out this

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