Call for Papers: Machine Learning for Remote Sensing


The International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) has issued a call for papers for a “Machine Learning for Remote Sensing” workshop on May 5, 2023. Remote sensing data, also called Earth observation or satellite data, has become popular for machine learning research. This is a result of its potential to address challenges in the following areas; climate change, food security, conservation, disaster and poverty. Moreover, remote sensing data offers a unique representation compared to other data modalities such as images and video. 

The impact of this is that various instruments are used to observe the earth from different wavelengths, temporal cadences and spatial resolutions. This has driven the need for this workshop to highlight research on new methods, datasets, and systems for machine learning for remote sensing data and especially encourage submissions and discussions about research in the African context.

Important dates
  • Submission Deadline: February 3, 2023.
  • Acceptance Deadline: March 3, 2023.
  • Workshop: May 5, 2023.
Topics covered
  • Domain adaptation
  • Concept drift and out-of-distribution detection
  • Evaluation using unlabeled data
  • Model architectures for remote sensing data
  • Semi-supervised learning
  • Unsupervised learning
  • Multi-fidelity data fusion
  • Human in the loop and active-learning
  • Machine learning for time series
  • Methods for learning from limited labelled data (e.g., low-shot learning, meta-learning)
  • New benchmark datasets involving remote sensing data
  • Geographic equity
  • Solutions specific to the African context
  • Applications related to sustainable development, societal needs, planetary exploration, and more include agriculture and food security, forestry, biodiversity and species distribution modelling, and natural hazards and disasters (e.g., landslides).

ICLR will solicit two types of papers; short proposal papers that are 3 pages long and short pages describing new and ongoing research that is 4 pages long. These page counts do not include references. To access the link to the submission site, click here.

Travel sponsorship

The programme plans to offer a limited number of scholarships for students to present at the workshop. They are currently seeking sponsorships to support this. If you are interested in becoming a workshop sponsor, please see the sponsorship prospectus and contact the organising team using this email.

Travel support

Limited funding is available to support students’ travel to the workshop held at ICLR 2023. Awards are based on merit with additional consideration based on need and travel distance. Priority will be given to those whose papers are accepted for presentation at the workshop.

The deadline for submitting this application is February 26, 11:59 pm, Anywhere on Earth. Visit here for the application form link.

For additional information about the organisers and the programme schedule, click here.

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