Call for Proposals: IDIA-ILIFU MeerKAT Open Time Projects 2020


The Inter-University Institute for Data-Intensive Astronomy (IDIA) invites proposals from
researchers at IDIA partner institutions and other South African institutions to conduct MeerKAT Open Time Project research using the ilifu Cloud Computing Research Facility.

Expressions of interest will be reviewed, and successful applicants will be provided a letter of support, which can be included in the associated MeerKAT observing proposal submission.

IDIA is a member of the ilifu consortium which has established a DIRISA Tier 2 cloud computing research facility to support data-intensive astronomy research projects. The facility is hosted by the UCT ICTS data centre and is connected to the South African National Research Network (SANReN) and the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) archive for high-speed data transfers. The facility can be accessed via the JupyterLab interactive graphical user interface and/or via the SLURM scheduler. The IDIA Pipeline and CARACal software for MeerKAT data calibration and imaging are available on the ilifu Cloud facility.

More details about the ilifu facility are provided at, and for new users, ilifu training videos are available here.

The South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) has opened the call for proposals for MeerKAT Open Time projects for 2020. Researchers from IDIA partner institutions and other South African institutions are invited to express their interest in conducting data processing and analysis of MeerKAT Open Time Project data on the ilifu Cloud facility.

A requirement of the SARAO MeerKAT Call for Observing Proposals is an indication of access to compute and storage resources to conduct project research. All expressions of interest will be reviewed and successful applicants will be provided with a letter of support, which can be included in the associated MeerKAT observing proposal submission. In addition, IDIA will liaise with SARAO as to which proposals will be supported by IDIA on the ilifu facility.

Conditions and Eligibility
All South African-led SARAO MeerKAT Open Time observing proposals that meet the
requirements for the SARAO MeerKAT Call for Observing Proposals are eligible to apply.
Principal investigators (PIs) who are members of an IDIA partner institution (UCT, UP, UWC) will be provided access through the IDIA partnership. If a student is a principal investigator, they will need written approval from their supervisor.

Successful applicants will be provided an allocation of resources and user accounts on the ilifu Cloud facility. User and software support will be provided, including support for the construction of customized containers as required.

Your Expression of Interest
Proposals should be submitted as an EOI by completing the expression of interest form.
Please contact ilifu support at for any questions or technical assistance.

Please complete the expression of interest form by 20 August 2020.

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