DARA Announces 2019 UK Advanced Training Programme; Apply


The Development in Africa with Radio Astronomy (DARA) is pleased to announce advanced training opportunities in the form of Masters places at UK universities as part of the project funded by the UK’s Newton Fund.

The opportunities are open to nationals of all AVN partner countries, namely: Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, Mauritius, and Zambia. These places are fully funded such that the Newton Fund will cover all tuition fees, bench fees and maintenance allowance at the RCUK recommended level of £15,009 per year.

Projects are offered at the four UK DARA partner universities: the University of Leeds, the University of Manchester, the University of Hertfordshire and the University of Bristol. For each project, time may also be spent at a partner institution in South Africa or Africa to gain additional skills and build collaborations. The cost of return flights, initial visa and health surcharge costs will be covered by the Newton Fund.

Applicants for funding must:
 Be nationals of one of the AVN countries listed above or a resident in one of
these countries for at least the last three years.
 Have a good first degree in Physics or a relevant related subject.
 Satisfy any other entry conditions of the universities they are proposing to
study at including the English language requirements in particular.
 Have preferably undergone the basic training programme of the DARA
Project or have similar relevant experience.

Call Timetable
Opportunity Announced – 19 November 2019
Deadline for applications for funding – 8 December 2019
Selection of applicants to be funded – 20 December 2019
Deadline for selected applicants to apply to nominated university for a place – 15 January 2020
Start of advanced study in the UK – No later than 31 March 2020

Click here for further information and here to apply.

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