EGNOS AFRICA JPO to Organise Session on SBAS in Aviation


The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service – Africa Joint Program Office (EGNOS Africa JPO) in collaboration with the Kenya Air Traffic Controllers Association (KATCA) are organising an Awareness Virtual Session today 27th of May 2021, on Satellite-based Augmentation System (SBAS) Application and use in aviation. 

This awareness session will provide a platform for knowledge transfer through presentations on several topics related to SBAS applications and use in Aviation.

Expected outcomes of this session include,

  • Awareness on JPO
  • Awareness of the SBAS applications and use in the aviation industry.
  • Gaining information on SBAS development
  • Realising the SBAS benefits and opportunities. 

EGNOS-Africa JPO is a vital outcome of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) regarding the Africa-EU cooperation on satellite navigation – the 3rd Africa-EU Summit in Tripoli in 2010. JPO has been created within the EU-Africa Common Strategy through the ACP/EC framework Programme ‘’Support to the Air Transport and Satellite services applications in Africa’’ as an outcome of the SAFIR project.

Since 2016, the Programme ‘Support to EGNOS in Africa’ has enabled the JPO to support further SBAS awareness and regional initiative development across the Continent.

The programme is as follows:
11.00 am-11.10 am

  • Opening remarks
  • KATCA President

11.10 am-11.50 am

  • Introduction to JPO
  • What is SBAS
  • SBAS applications and use in aviation. 

11.50 am -12.00 pm

  • Questions
  • Closing remarks (KATCA – JPO)

All times are in East-African Time. 

Questions are to be shared before the session via the email below: copy

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