Prepare yourself for an exciting career in space science and technology by doing the MPhil in Space Studies at the University of Cape Town. This multi-disciplinary degree covers the scientific, technical, policy and regulatory aspects of space technology and its societal applications. The programme is designed for working professionals. Click here to apply.
The degree is specially structured to accommodate working professionals. Applications for 2019/2020 are currently open. Graduates with a four-year degree or an honours degree are eligible to apply. The programme commences in August 2019. Limited funding is available to support some students.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis all year round. To apply, or for more information, visit or contact
Who is the programme for?
This programme is aimed at anyone who wishes to enter the space sector, or to deepen his or her knowledge of this sector. No prior knowledge of space technology is required or assumed. Potential participants include new graduates and young professionals seeking to enter the space sector and established professionals in military, government or private sector positions who encounter space science and technology issues in their day-to-day work and are seeking to acquire a broad knowledge of the space sector.
Programme structure
This is a research-based degree with a coursework component that provides a broad foundational knowledge of the space arena and space applications. Research topics will be chosen in alignment with identified research needs in the national and continental space programmes. There is the possibility to upgrade the masters thesis to a doctoral (PhD) thesis.
All participants will be required to complete a foundational core lecture component which comprises the following modules:
- Space Mission Analysis and Design – which focuses on the definition, development and operation of space systems.
- Space Applications for Sustainable Development – which focuses on practical applications of space technology for societal benefit, with emphasis on addressing African problems.
- Space and Society – which focuses on the commercial, security, cooperation, policy and regulatory aspects of outer space activities.
- Special Topics in Space Technology – which focuses on a highly specialised or cutting-edge topic in space technology.
About SpaceLab
SpaceLab is a new platform created to promote multidisciplinary education and research in space science and technology at the University of Cape Town. Its aims are to promote the development and use of novel space technologies for use in outer space and on the Earth, and to train graduate students to strengthen the South African and African skills base in the development and applications of space systems. The Laboratory will partner with local and international academic and public and private sector initiatives to realise its aims. SpaceLab is housed in in the Department of Electrical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment at the University of Cape Town.
The vision of the SpaceLab is to play a leading role in the development of the space arena in South Africa and Africa through education and research. The Laboratory will pay particular emphasis on the provision of highly skilled space professionals, the development of space applications to support sustainable development, and the advancement of cost-effective technologies through the design, development, testing and qualification of new space systems.
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