To harness the vast skills in education, outreach, and inspiration of astronomy educators around the globe, IAU100 is launching a second call for proposals for the promotion of the Open Astronomy Schools (OAS) teacher training events in 2020.
The first Open Astronomy Schools call in 2019 received 100 proposals from 49 different countries. 20 proposals were selected to receive a small grant from IAU100, enabling the participation of hundreds of teachers in teacher training sessions around the world. In continuation of the first Teacher Training Call issued in early 2019, a second call has been launched for the IAU100 Open Astronomy Schools (OAS) teacher training events to be offered during 2020.
The successful applicants will receive at least 12 telescopes kits to distribute to teachers attending the workshops. In total, up to 20 proposals will be awarded telescope kits. This call aims to promote innovative astronomy teacher training events following the criteria established for the OAS, with a special focus on practical astronomy.
The Open Astronomy Schools project builds teachers’ capacity on scientific topics and teaching techniques by organizing teacher’s training worldwide to enable the development of scientific literacy and acquisition of modern teaching skills.
The call for teacher training includes 250 telescope kits, kindly offered by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan telescope kit is a newly designed, easy-to-assemble kit produced by Vixen, Japan. The 50mm lens aperture and two eyepieces providing 16x and 66x magnification allow children and adults to observe the moon and planets in detail. The focuser barrel is compatible with standard 1.25” eyepieces. The kit also includes an adaptor that facilitates the use of smartphone cameras.
Although this opportunity for support is aimed specifically at developing countries, exceptions with appropriate motivation will be accepted. Proposals should also be in alignment with the IAU100 goals and more specifically, the OAS goals.
Each proposal will be reviewed by the OAS task force and the approved sessions will be eligible to use the OAS-IAU100 logo, to be announced in both IAU100 and OAS site and social media. Participants will be entitled to receive the OAS-IAU100 participation certificate and promoters the OAS-IAU100 ambassadors certificates.
The deadline to receive proposals is January 31, 2020.
For further information about the call and how to apply, visit the OAS website.
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