International Space Weather Camp 2022

Coronal mass ejection on August 31, 2012

The International Space Weather Camp (ISWC) provides an incredible opportunity for students from South Africa, the USA and Germany to learn about space weather, a relatively new and exciting field involving the study of the Sun and its influence on space and the Earth’s upper atmosphere as well as the impacts of solar events on space and ground-based technological systems that modern society relies on daily.

The Camp consists of a series of lectures, hands-on projects and other exciting activities. The lecture subject matter covers various aspects related to Space Weather. This consequently comprises cosmic ray particle transport theory, plasma physics and solar physics. It also includes heliospheric physics, computer simulations for modelling and understanding local Space Weather. The subject matter will also cover space weather’s impact on Earth’s atmosphere, satellites, and space.

The ISWC will take place in two parts. The first part will be virtual from 1 – 15 June 2022 due to COVID-19 health risks and travel restrictions. However, the second part will hold in July 2022 at the South African National Space Agency (SANSA) Hermanus facility. It will be for the South African students who complete the first part of the Camp. The ISWC offers students a great platform to interact and engage with students and researchers worldwide. During the Camp, students will also get an opportunity to learn about historical and current developments of space activities in South Africa, Germany and the USA.


The ISWC (formerly JSWSC, Joint Space Weather Summer Camp) was a partnership initially between DLR, the University of Rostock and the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAHuntsville). The collaboration was extended in 2015 with SANSA joining DLR and UAHuntsville in participating and hosting in a trilateral arrangement.

Important Information

Applicants must be final year BSc Hon/BEng or Masters students in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science or Electronics and must be South African citizens or permanent residents.

Successful applicants will receive full funding to participate in the ISWC 2022. Funding will include data for the virtual part and transport, accommodation and meals for the second part of the Camp in the condition that the applicant attended all the virtual sessions. Note that successful applicants require full vaccination before the start of the Camp. Consequently, the organisers will require a vaccination certificate as proof.

Applications are now open and will close on 28 February 2022. Interested persons can apply here.

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