Max Planck Institute for Astronomy Calls for Interim Coordinator for the Office of Astronomy for Education 


The Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) in Heidelberg invites applications for an Interim Coordinator for the Office of Astronomy for Education 

The OAE will support and coordinate astronomy education by astronomy researchers and educators, aimed at primary or secondary schools, world-wide. The OAE will organize an international network of astronomy education stakeholders, organize groups of scientists to collaborate on creating certain educational resources, facilitate and undertake a systematic evaluation of existing resources, and work towards establishing international standards of quality control and evaluation in astronomy education.

Together with the international communities of astronomy researchers and educators, the OAE is tasked with:
• bridging the gap between astronomy education research (AER) and education practice, by making the results of AER accessible to education practitioners
• developing high-quality astronomy education resources
• evaluating both specific resources and methods of teaching astronomy, encouraging and qualifying the wider astronomical community in evaluation techniques
• creating and supporting the creation of concept inventories that allow the evaluation of students learning about astronomy
• identifying best-practice resources and methods for teaching astronomy in general, and for specific aspects of teaching astronomy (e.g. observing with remote telescopes, working with authentic astronomical data, teaching specific sub-topics of astronomy, issues of accessibility and inclusion as well as of diversity).

The Interim Coordinator will support the OAE team during the first year in establishing the infrastructure and undertaking the scientific groundwork (survey of educational resources, survey of potential collaborators, survey of astronomy education in different countries) for the future work of the OAE.

The position holder should have an advanced degree (Master, Diploma, Ph.D.) in astronomy, extensive knowledge of the field, experience with international scientific collaborations in the field of astronomy, proficient knowledge of English, and practical experience in astronomy EPO (education and public outreach).

The position has a preferred starting date of  February 15, 2020. The remuneration is based on the German collective wage agreement for the public sector (TVöD) depending on qualification and experience in level E13. Social benefits are granted according to the regulations for public service. Interested candidates should send a curriculum vitae and a brief statement outlining their interest and past activities in astronomy education and public outreach by January 31, 2020.  The duration of the contract is 12 months.

All applications need to be submitted using our online application system here 

Deadline: January 31, 2020.

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