Postdoctoral Research Position on Distant Star-Forming Galaxies Available at Geneva Observatory


The group of Prof. Daniel Schaerer at the Geneva Observatory in Geneva, Switzerland, announces the availability of a research position at the postdoctoral level, open to applicants of all nationalities.

The successful candidate will work on projects studying star-forming galaxies in the distant Universe, involving multi-wavelength observations and/or modeling. He/she may in particular work with observations from VLT, HST, Spitzer, ALMA, and JWST, using data from
approved and upcoming projects such as high-z spectroscopic surveys with the VLT (e.g. VANDELS), follow-up of the ALMA Large Program to INvestigate galaxies at Early
times (ALPINE), studies of Lyman continuum emitters, or other observations of emission-line galaxies. He/she will also have access to state-of-the-art modeling tools including radiation transfer, spectral modeling, and other codes. The candidate will work with the
group of Prof. Daniel Schaerer in Geneva and within international collaborations.

The Geneva Observatory and the associated Laboratory of Astrophysics of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) carry out observational, interpretative and theoretical research in the fields of extra-solar planets, stellar physics, high energy
astrophysics, galaxy evolution, and observational cosmology.

The appointment will be for one to three years starting in September-October 2020 (negotiable). It is renewable.

Qualified candidates are encouraged to send their application including a CV and publication list, description of research experience and interests, and contact information of three references in a single pdf file via email to Applications received by 1 March 2020 will receive consideration. Informal inquiries with Daniel Schaerer ( are welcome.

Closing Date:1st March 2020

For information on the research group visitĀ

Included Benefits: Standard Swiss Social Security, Accident Insurance and Pension contributions.

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