OAE Announces Grant to Foster Astronomy Educational Training and Workshop

Source: astro4edu

The Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE) is inviting individuals and organisations working in astronomy education together with their National Astronomy Education Coordinators (NAECs) to submit proposals for financial support of up to 2000 Euros for an astronomy teacher training and professional development workshop to be scheduled in 2023.

Furthermore, winning the grant requires collaborative efforts between one NAEC team member, a local teacher, and, if possible, an astronomer to develop a workshop on a topic of their choice.

About OAE

An important part of the IAU’s Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE) mission is to support regional and local teacher training workshops that leverage astronomy for formal primary and secondary education. As a result, OAE developed the Teacher Training Program (TTP) to support the ideas and initiatives of the NAECs, for teacher training and development workshops.

The OAE is on a mission to use astronomy to support primary and secondary school education worldwide. In addition, the OAE supports teachers in bringing astronomy into their classrooms and assists astronomers in supporting teachers and educators.

 Additional Information

The condition for participation in the workshop, developed in collaboration with an NAEC team member and submitted by the NAEC team member, is strict. 

Furthermore, applications submitted by others will not be considered. If you are a teacher interested in running such a workshop, please contact an NAEC in your country (via this link) to see if they wish to collaborate.

NB: The OAE is focused on teaching and learning at the school level (not university) and not outreach activities. 

The application deadline is 1 May 2023. Applicants will be notified of the success of their grants by 1 June 2023.

How to apply
  • Visit here for all information on eligibility criteria and applicant rules.
  • For further enquiries, click here.

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