Register for AfAS-DARA Big Data Science Hackathon


DARA Big Data, in conjunction with the African Astronomical Society (AfAS), the Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD), and the Inter-University Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy (IDIA), is organising a Data Science Hackathon at Wits University (South Africa) between 18-20 March 2023.

The event will feature presentations on data science and its applications in industry and academia, tutorials in data science and machine learning and a hackathon where participants can develop their skills further and compete in teams for prizes. 

Most days will run approximately from 9 am to 5 pm and participants must commit to attending each day in full. Travel assistance and accommodation will be provided for those not residing in Johannesburg, and lunch will be provided on all days of the event. 

Women are highly encouraged to apply and take part, as women are underrepresented in the data science field. In addition, this event provides a friendly and supportive environment for all to develop their skills, and several tutors will be present throughout the event to guide participants. 

There is no charge to participate in this event. However, limited places are available, and demand is expected to be high. Therefore, a selection process will be used to award places; you will be notified whether you have been given a place.

NB: Prior experience in Python programming is required to qualify for the hackathon.

Check here to learn more about the event and register for the hackathon.

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