Register for the Africa-Japan Cubesat Cooperation Workshop


Over the past five years, six African CubeSats were deployed from “Kibo,” the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) on the International Space Station (ISS). In addition, two more CubeSats will be deployed by the end of this year and another by the end of next year. To this end, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Ecole Supérieure Privée d’Ingénierie et de Technologie Appliquée (ESPITA) and other partners have organised a workshop to illuminate the Africa-Japan Cubesat Cooperation. The workshop dubbed “Towards Establishing Sustainable Space Activities will be held at the Science City, Tunis, Tunisia, on 26 August 2022, on the sidelines of the TICAD 8.

In this workshop, teams from each African country engaged in the CubeSat development and operation will report on what they have learned from the CubeSat programme, what issues they have identified, and what challenges they are facing to move on to the next stage of space development. Additionally, to promote and establish sustainable space activities in Africa, this workshop aims to deepen the understanding between African and Japanese space stakeholders about the efforts needed to build on the success of CubeSat cooperation between Japan and Africa and the kind of future cooperation that would be effective to achieve this goal.

The tentative list of speakers 
Keynote Presentations 
  • Mr Yasuo ISHII, Vice President, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
  • Prof. Fethi ZAGROUBA, Director, Tunis Science City, Tunisia
  • Dr Hana AOUINET, Director, ESPITA, Tunisia
  • Dr Meshack NDIRITU, Space Applications Training Officer, African Union Commission (AUC)
  • Dr KANAI Norishige, JAXA Astronaut
CubeSat Project Report
  • Prof. Mwangi MBUTHIA, University of Nairobi, Kenya
  • Mr Ziyaad SOREEFAN, Aerospace Engineer, Mauritius Research and Innovation Council (MRIC)
  • Dr Mohamed YAHIA, Head of Electrical Systems Division, Egyptian Space Agency (EgSA)
  • Dr Rihab MESSADI ZOUAGHI, Head of Internships & Partnerships at ESPITA
  • Dr Lassad AMAMI, Tunisian Space Association (TUNSA)
Panel Discussion
  • Assoc.Prof. Tetsuhito FUSE, LaSEINE, Kyutech, Japan
  • Mr Luc St-Pierre, Chief of Space Applications Section, UNOOSA
  • Prof. Ryosuke SHIBASAKI, CSIS, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
  • Dr Izumi YOSHIZAKI, JEM Utilization Center, JAXA
  • Mr Charles MWANGI, Ag. Director Space Sector & Technology Development, Kenya Space Agency (KSA)
  • Mr Kamel BESBES, Expert Member of Tunisian National Committee for Extra Atmospheric Space
  • Mr Mohamed FRIKHA, Founder of TELNET Holding SA
Additional Information
  • To check the complete event schedule, please check here
  • Kindly check here to register for the workshop and here to learn more about the event

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