Register for the First International Conference of Remote Sensing and Space Science Applications

The First International Conference of Remote Sensing and Space Science Applications

The first International Conference of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences Applications is set to gather stakeholders from the remote sensing ecosystem to disseminate the latest technologies, exchange experts, identify future trends and establish an international platform for exchanging innovative ideas for the development of remote sensing and space sciences at a global level. The event will be held from December 8 to 11, 2022, in Hurghada, Egypt.

Remote sensing and space sciences overlap with many other disciplines and sciences. Thus the conference provides an opportunity for researchers in various fields to discuss the challenges and problems facing the world.

The industry-specific topics to be discussed at the conference include:

  1. Applications of remote sensing and geographic information systems for sustainable development in the following areas: 
  • Water resources management;
  • Sustainable agricultural development;
  • Forecasting climatic and environmental changes;
  • Population and urban planning;
  • Geology and mineral resources; 
  • Management of environmental and natural disasters;
  • Earth and Soil sciences;
  • Documentation of cultural heritage;
  • Development of the coastal marine environment and lakes;
  • Site investigations, corridor surveys, and engineering soil mapping; and 
  • Environmental modelling and vulnerability studies.
  1. The use of the Internet of Things and digital transformation in remote sensing applications.
  2. The use of artificial intelligence techniques in applications of remote sensing and space science. 
  3. Image processing and digital data analysis for satellites. 
  4. The use of modern technologies to manage and operate space systems. 
  5. The use of aerial imaging techniques in remote sensing applications. 
  6. Various satellite systems and their applications. 
  7. Advanced materials in space applications and satellite structures. 
  8. New energy systems for terrestrial applications and satellite energy systems.


The research papers presented at the conference will be published in an international periodical with evaluation through the ISSN and ISBN numbers, in addition to the possibility of publishing them in a special issue in the Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, which follows the rules of global publication Elsevier under the Scopus database index.


  • For foreigners, the fee for attendance or participation in one research is $500 
  • Additional paper submission  $100
  • Attending the conference without participating in scientific research for foreigners is 500$.
  • For Egyptians, registration includes accommodation and transfers from Cairo to Hurghada and back.
  • The paper does not exceed six pages, and $10 is paid for each additional page.
  • The last date for paying the participation fees for the conference is 15th September 2022.

For more information on the conference, kindly visit here

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