Register for the Roundtable Discussion on U.S.-Africa Space Partnership


The African Space Leadership Institute is organising a high-level Space Policy Roundtable themed “Towards a Framework for U.S.-Africa Space Partnership” on 3 November 2022. The roundtable webinar is in view of the US-Africa Space Leaders Summit to be hosted from 13-15 December 2022 by President Joe Biden.

The objectives of the roundtable include:

1. Identify possible areas of collaboration (policy, programmes and projects) between the U.S. and Africa;

2.  Initiate a mechanism for periodic dialogue between Africa and the U.S. on space-related issues of mutual interest; and

3. Gather thoughts on a framework for U.S.-Africa Space Partnership.

The panellists include Dr Tidiane Ouattara, AUC Space Science Expert and GMES & Africa Coordinator, Prof. Scott Pace, Former Deputy Assistant to the US President & the Executive Secretary of the National Space Council, Prof. Babatunde Rabiu, Director, National Space Research and Development Agency, Nigeria, Prof. Danielle Wood, Director, Space Enabled Research Group, Rose Croshier, Policy Analyst, Centre for Global Development, USA, and Dr Valanathan Munsami, Former CEO, South African National Space Agency.

We also expect keynote addresses from H.E. Prof. Mohamed Belhocine, African Union Commissioner for Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, and H.E. Amb. Reuben Brigety, II, U.S. Ambassador to South Africa, U.S. Embassy South Africa.

Although they have long been important trading partners, the United States and Africa have only sometimes collaborated in the field of space. To strengthen the relationship between Africa and the United States in terms of space cooperation, the challenges and opportunities facing the continent’s young generation of Africans who are leading the charge in the continent’s space industry to make it a formidable, forward-thinking space power must be addressed.

The event, which will be virtual, will take place on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, by 10-1130 EST/ 4-530pm WAT.

Registration is open to all interested individuals. To register, please click here.

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