A Ph.D. position in observational astrophysics is available at the Geneva Observatory (University of Geneva), in the “Galaxies and the Universe” research group. The position is for 4 years, starting in early 2020.
The Geneva Observatory and the associated Laboratory of Astrophysics of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne carry out observational, interpretative and theoretical research in the fields of extra-solar planets, stellar physics, high energy astrophysics, galaxy evolution and dynamics, and observational cosmology.
The work will primarily focus on the study of the interstellar medium in nearby and distant galaxies, mostly using spectroscopic UV and optical data from HST and VLT. The position is within the project “Interstellar One. One vision for the Interstellar Medium at all cosmic times”, which is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) through a PRIMA grant. The Ph.D. student will work under the supervision of Dr. Annalisa De Cia and Prof. Daniel Schaerer in Geneva and within international collaborations.
How to Apply
Candidates are encouraged to send their application before November 4th, 2019, including a CV, motivation letter, list of MSc courses and grades in a single pdf file in an email with the subject “Ph.D. Geneva” to Annalisa De Cia (annalisa.decia@unige.ch). An MSc in Physics or Astrophysics is required. The applications will be evaluated according to scientific excellence and striving to offer equal opportunities.
Included benefits are standard Swiss social security, accident insurance, and pension contributions.
Deadline: Application closes on the 4th of November 2019.
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