The African Union Youth Volunteer Corps (AU-YVC), established in 2010, is a continental development program that promotes youth volunteerism in Africa. The program aims to deepen the status of young people as key actors in Africa’s development targets and goals, enhancing their participation in policy development as well as design and implementation of relevant interventions towards the Africa Union’s Agenda 2063, ‘The Africa we want’.
It brings people together to share skills, knowledge, creativity and learning to build a more integrated, prosperous and peaceful Continent driven by its citizens. The volunteering opportunities are intended to build professionalism and a sense of responsibility among the participants, thus enhancing their employability. Young African professionals are recruited to serve for a period of 12 months as AU Volunteers in an AU Member State other than their own.
As an African Union Youth Volunteer, you will be deployed to serve for a period of 12 months in your respective professional field. Through the AU-YVC program, the AUC aims to achieve the following objectives:
- Empower African youth through leadership and professional experience.
- Mainstream youth in Pan African Organizations.
- Promote Pan Africanism and integration through an exchange.
As an AUYV you will play a catalytic role in supporting Africa’s Development Agenda (Agenda 2063) and bring in a youth lens in the various policies and programs you will be engaged in and play your role towards an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa driven by its citizen – in particular its Youth. You will be deployed for a period of 12 months outside your own country which will expose you to new cultures, and societies where you will be required to adapt, learn and add value to your organization and your host community at large.
QUALIFICATIONS AND WORK EXPERIENCES REQUIRED In order to be considered for the program, you need to satisfy ALL of the following eligibility requirements: Applicants have to meet the following criteria:
- Citizen of an AU Member State living on the continent or the Diaspora;
- Aged between 18 – 35 years (must be under the age of 35 when completing 12 months service)
- Have a post-secondary certified qualification(s) (TVET, Bachelor’s, Master’s etc.)
- Available in 2018/19 to dedicate 12 (twelve) months for volunteer work;
- Willing to live and work in another AU Member State;
- Is proficient in at least one AU working language (Arabic, English, French, Portuguese);
- Have at least one year verifiable volunteering experience and one-year professional work experience.
The AU-YVC is looking for motivated young leaders who embody the following qualities:
- Embodies the spirit of Pan-Africanism;
- Committed to Africa’s shared values of an Integration, peace and development.
- Embodies the spirit of service & servant leadership;
- The high degree of professionalism
- Solution-oriented & can demonstrate results;
- Able to work and thrive in the challenging, multicultural settings including post-conflict environments;
- Respectful towards cultural, intellectual, religious and linguistic diversities;
- Strong interpersonal and organising skills;
- Flexible, independent and self-motivated
For more information and to submit an application, click here.
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