Registration Open to Students to Attend the Fifth ArAS School for Astrophysics


The Arab Astronomical Society (ArAS) is pleased to announce the Fifth ArAS School for Astrophysics (ArAS SfA-5) that will be held in the Kottamia Astronomical Observatory, Egypt in October 16-23, 2020. Full and partial financial supports will be available for a limited number of students.

The ArAS School for Astrophysics is an initiative of the Arab Astronomical Society (ArAS). ArAS SfA’s objective is to give brilliant and motivated students, interested by the astronomy, the opportunity to be trained by international professional astronomers due to the lack of research in astronomy in the Arab World.

ArAs SfA-5 is endorsed by the Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD) of the International Astronomical Union (IAU). It will provide a platform for astrophysics knowledge sharing, triggering collaborations between fellow Arab astrophysicists, and building a strong professional Arab community in the field.

Based on the experience of the first, second, third and fourth ArAS School for Astrophysics in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 respectively, the content of ArAS SfA-5 will focus mainly on different practices and skills of professional astronomers. The scope of AWSA-5 will cover the following fields:

  • Theoretical themes: (i) High Energy Astrophysics, and (ii) Optical Spectroscopy
  • Writing a proposal: How to write a proposal to obtain observational time in professional telescopes
  • Data/Observation: How to get data from telescope archives and How to do professional observation for the selected themes
  • Data reduction: How to reduce data using IRAF and Python
  • Analysis: How to analyze photometric and spectroscopic data
  • Writing a paper: How to present your results in a scientific paper


Applications will be accepted only from students with the following requirements:

  1. Master and Ph.D. students in physics and or astronomy only no other specialties will be considered. Students from Arab countries that do not have a master’s or Ph.D. programs applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree in physics and or astronomy or related field.
  2. Strong physics background is a must
  3. All files submitted must have the following name convention:
  • FirstName_LastName-CV
  • FirstName_LastName-Recom1
  • FirstName_LastName-Recom2
  • FirstName_LastName-MotivationLetter

To register to ArAS SfA-5, three steps should be followed:

  1. Fill in the  Registration Form and send the requested documents by May 15, 2020.
  • Your comprehensive CV
  • Two signed recommendation letters (should contain the phone number and the email of the person who recommends – Can be sent by May 15, 2020)
  • A Short motivation statement (explain why it’s important for you to attend ArAS SfA and briefly state your expectations from this school)

If you are selected, we will contact you by May 31, 2020

Registration fees:  $100.

Deadline: The deadline for registration is May 15, 2020

For more information, please visit the school website or contact,

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