Apply to represent your country at Space Generation Advisory Council


Apply today to be the National Point of Contact (NPoC) of your country! NPoCs are volunteers that act as contact point for SGAC in their country, forming a local team that coordinated SGAC activities at national level. Each country can have up to two NPoCs who work together to coordinate SGAC activities in their country.

Deadline for Applications: 25 March 2018


SGAC encourages NPoCs to take personal initiatives with their roles to proactively grow the SGAC young professional and university student network in their country, and connect SGAC to relevant space organisations. This role is an important responsibility, and it is expected that you:

  • Act as a communication channel between national student and young professional space networks and the SGAC
  • Form/maintain a local network of volunteers in your country
  • Represent SGAC in your country
  • Keep regular contact with your Regional Coordinator
  • Using the local network, help raise awareness about SGAC and its goals, and conduct activities ranging from events, national newsletters, national scholarships, policy discussions and contributions to national space policy activities
  • Submit a workplan for your activities at the start of the year
  • Submit a 1-2 page annual report, around November each year
  • Maintain your national webpage up to date

In summary, you would spread the word about SGAC, help space education and outreach in the name of SGAC in your country and keep everyone else at SGAC informed about it!

Please note that any presentation or activity on behalf of SGAC or which includes the logo of the organization must be reviewed and pre-approved by the Executive Office.

This is a voluntary role with a term of 2 years, renewable for an additional two years based on performance.

Estimated time commitment: 2 – 7 hours a week on average, depending on the type of activities conducted.

Necessary Qualifications and Skills

NPoCs are SGAC Members representing SGAC in their countries. According to our bylaws:

  • NPoCs shall be citizens of a United Nations (UN) member state or territory. They may only represent their country of citizenship and should preferably be resident in the country they represent
  • NPoCs shall be 18 years of age or older at the time of appointment and shall complete their term by their 36th birthday.
  • NPoCs are appointed by the Executive Committee.  They shall serve for a period of two years and may serve a second consecutive term if nominated and elected legitimately according to the SGAC Statutes and Bylaws. NPoCs may serve a maximum of two terms.
  • NPoCs shall demonstrate leadership and teamwork experience, possess good communication skills in English and preferably in other UN official languages, and have a good understanding of space and cultural issues.
  • NPoCs shall have knowledge of the UN and its objectives, have knowledge of the UN COPUOS and its objectives and preferably have hands-on experience in youth and space-related projects.

We generally look for applicants that have some connection to the space sector or wish to engage with the sector. If you are passionate about space and are eager to help others in their personal and professional development, then you should apply!

Applications from all other countries are accepted. For your reference, we have listed each country and the number of positions available below:

Countries without an NPoC (two positions available)

  • AfricaAlgeria – Angola – Benin – Botswana – Burkina Faso – Burundi – Cameroon – Cape Verde – Central African Republic – Chad – Comoros – Congo – Cote d’Ivoire – Congo (Democratic Republic of) – Equatorial Guinea – Eritrea – Gabon – Gambia – Ghana – Guinea – Guinea-Bissau – Lesotho – Liberia – Madagascar – Mali – Mauritania – Mozambique – Niger – Rwanda – Sao Tome and Principe – Senegal – Seychelles – Sierra Leone – Somalia – South Sudan – Swaziland – Tanzania (United Republic of) – Zambia – Zimbabwe

Countries with one NPoC (only one position available)

  • Africa: Djibouti – Libya – Malawi – Morocco – Togo – Tunisia


Be a part of leading and shaping the organisation! Benefits of this position include:

  • Meeting and working with young space sector leaders from around the world
  • Holding a position on the SGAC Executive Committee
  • Being recognized internationally as part of the organisation’s key staff on the SGAC Team webpage
  • Having a higher chance of receiving SGAC scholarships to attend conferences around the world
  • Being invited to attend United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space meetings and other conferences as part of the official SGAC delegation
  • Building leadership skills and other skills that are directly translatable to your career
  • Having a significant impact on SGAC’s image on the international stage
  • Developing invaluable experience in managing a professional international team

This is a voluntary role and has no monetary compensation. Active members of SGAC teams are considered for nomination for SGAC Scholarships and Awards, including fee waivers or discounts for SGAC event fees.

How to Apply

Your application will require you to upload the following documents:

  • Letter of Intent: This is a 1-2 page letter of motivation answering the following questions:
    • Why do you want to be an NPOC?
    • What is your connection with the space sector?
    • What will you bring to the position?
    • If selected, what do you wish to achieve in this position in the next 6, 12, and 24 months?
    • How will you try to achieve these goals? What is your strategy?
  • Curriculum Vitae:Your resume/CV should include:
    • date of birth
    • headshot photo
    • contact information
    • educational history
    • professional history

Only complete applications will be accepted.

Please complete the NPoC Application Form below. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to email

Apply Here

Application Timeline

Applications Open 1 March 2018
Application Close 25 March 2018
Review of Applications 25 March – 30 April 2018
Announcement of Outcome 25 May 2018

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