On March 29, 2023, the Centre for Basic Science and Astronomy (CBSS), under the National Space Research and Development Agency, is hosting a hybrid outreach event. The physical outreach event will be held at Queen of the Holy Rosary secondary school in Nsukka, Enugu State. The event theme is “Vasco: Vanishing and appearing sources during a century of observations.” The guest speakers for the event include Dr Beatriz Villarroel, VASCO project coordinator, Chioma Okany, and Dr Bonaventure Okere, Director of CBSS NASRDA.
Important Information
Time: 10:00 am
Zoom meeting details
- Meeting link:
- Meeting ID: 882 8614 5971
- Password: 538697
For more information, contact cbssoutreach.narsda@gmail.com
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