Attend the United Nations/World Health Organisation International  Conference on Space and Global Health

Source: UNOOSA

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), in collaboration with the Government of Switzerland and Space and Global Health Network and supported by the European Space Agency, is hosting the United Nations/World Health Organisation International  Conference on Space and Global Health. The conference is scheduled between the 1st -3rd of November 2023 at Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

Conference Objectives

The conference will focus on the areas identified by the Working Group of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee on Space and Global Health. It will seek to increase awareness and build capacity among the attendees in four distinct areas of interest:

  • Telemedicine and telehealth;
  • Tele-epidemiology and environmental health;
  • Space life sciences;
  • Disaster and health emergency management;
Programme Outline
  • Opening Ceremony;
  • Session 1: Space solutions in support of telemedicine and telehealth;
  • Session 2: Space solutions in support of tele-epidemiology and environmental health;
  • Session 3: Space life sciences;
  • Session 4: Space solutions in support of disaster and health emergency management; and
  • Closing Ceremony.
How to Apply

Interested applicants must register here by 10 September 2023.

For enquiries, contact:

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