Call for Entries: Worldwide Space Law Essay

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The European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) invites students and young professionals worldwide to submit an article on “Aspects around a Mars Agreement including human settlements”.

Therefore, a wide range of individual topics from various fields is welcomed in order to analyse and discuss relevant aspects. The papers may also address potential new aspects which consider the needs and interests of the whole international community and should be more than a duplication of the Moon Agreement. It is strongly encouraged that the article only focuses on one issue, rather than try to discuss a number of issues. This will allow the paper to adhere to the word limit while still offering an in-depth study. Beyond this limitation, participants are free to choose their subject.

All inspiring or well-written papers will be accumulated and published
See previous publications:
Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites on the Moon, ISBN 978-3-030-38403-6
Legal Aspects Around Satellite Constellations, ISBN 978-3-030-06028-2
Post 2030-Agenda and the Role of Space, ISBN 978-3-319-78953-8
A Fresh View on the Outer Space Treaty, ISBN 978-3-319-70433-3

By submitting an article, participants consent to the publication of their article or part of it.

Deadline: 15 September 2020 (CET, 23:30h)
Please send your contribution in both a word and pdf format simultaneously to the following two e-mail addresses to ensure, from a technical point of view, that your contribution is well received:;

Submission Guidelines:
– Participation is open for all students and young professionals worldwide (graduated
within 6 years before the deadline/without age restriction to support lifelong
learning). Submission is limited to one paper per person.

– Papers should be submitted in Standard UK English via e-mail in both Word and PDF
format; both e-mail and paper should include the title of the paper and the author’s name.

– The paper should not exceed 5,000 words, be written in Times New Roman, size 12
with line spacing 1.5 and include consecutively numbered footnotes (which should be
created through the Word footnote function; size 10 with line space 1.0).

– Headings and subheadings in the text should be written in Times New Roman, bold, size
12 with line spacing 1.5 and include consecutively numbering (1., 1.1., 1.1.1. etc.)

– The first footnote should contain the name, e-mail address and, if applicable,
affiliation (university, institute, firm, etc.) of the participant.

– The paper should make use of the OSCOLA reference style for the footnotes:

– A short abstract (max. 200 words) should be included after the title but before the
start of the paper, the abstract does not count towards the word limit (in Times New
Roman, Italic, size 12 with line space 1.5)

– A bibliography is not expected. Tables and figures should have a title and number (ex.
Table 1: Space and SDG 1).

– Cross-references should be created through the Word function in order to guaranty
the right numbering.

– A short bio including authors e-mail address should be added to the paper on the last
page of the document. This bio will not count towards the word limit.

– The author should have all rights on the submitted paper, which has not been
published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

– The paper should be written individually, co-authored papers will not be accepted.

– Quotations may be in the original language as long as a translation is provided in
English either in the text or in a footnote.

– Spelling should be consistent throughout the paper.

– The paper should have numbered pages, placed on the right-hand side of the bottom
of each page.

– Please indicate your telephone number in case of further questions. Thank you!

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