Register for EUMETSAT ‘s webinar series on Earth observation in Africa

EUMETSAT will be hosting a series of webinars on Earth Observation in Africa from March through November 2021. The webinars will showcase and discuss the benefits of satellite data for sustainable development in Africa.

eumetsat webinar series

The European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) will be hosting a series of webinars on Earth Observation in Africa from March through November 2021. The webinars will showcase and discuss the benefits of satellite data for sustainable development in Africa.

The webinars also aim at keeping a close interaction with the user community in Africa. Initially triggered by the coronavirus pandemic, the webinars complement the 14th EUMETSAT User Forum in Africa, which is planned to take place September 13-18, 2021, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. They are organised in cooperation with African institutions and initiatives.

These events will also inform the user community and other stakeholders about EUMETSAT programmes and satellite data & products in support of various socio-economic sectors.

The three webinars planned for 2021 will address the following topics:

  • Meteosat Third Generation in Africa (March 31)
  • African climate monitoring from space (June 8)
  • Satellites for the Blue Economy in Africa (November)

The first webinar will address some of the challenges related to the transition to MTG in Africa, such as ensuring data access, extraction of suitable science-based products from satellite observations, and integrating actionable information services tailored to African needs.

This webinar aims at informing stakeholders about the Meteosat Third Generation and the benefits of new-generation products in various applications in Africa. The specific objectives of the webinar are:

  • Highlight the socioeconomic benefits of MTG in various weather and climate-sensitive socio-economic sectors in Africa;
  • Present the new MTG products and their impact in various applications;
  • Inform practitioners schedule for the transition from MSG to MTG and on data access mechanisms.

The Webinar is divided into two parts:

  • The first one is dedicated to decision-makers;
  • The second part is dedicated to National Meteorological Services and Regional Centers. 

In parallel to the webinars, EUMETSAT continues to interact with its users through its Help Desk support and its training courses and its interaction with the WMO Expert Group and EU-funded programmes in Africa (e.g. GMES&Africa and ClimSA).

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