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GMES & Africa 2nd Phase is Organising the First East African Regional Workshop in Uganda

The Global Monitoring for Environment and Security & Africa (GMES & Africa) 2nd Phase is organising the first East Africa Regional Workshop in Kampala, Uganda, from 28th to 30th September 2022. The workshop organised by the two East African Consortiums – IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC) and Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD), will be held at the Speke Resort in Munyonyo, Kampala, Uganda.

In addition, the 3-day workshop will bring together partners, the AUC team, private sectors, international and regional institutions, as well as other relevant stakeholders.  

Workshop Objectives

The regional workshop serves as an exclusive platform for elevating discussions with partners, stakeholders and users on project impacts at the regional level. It is also designed for engaging policy decision-makers and other actors in dialogue and networking, discussing cooperation and joint implementation of activities of common interests (Data access, capacity building) for the East African Consortia, and collecting feedback and further needs on the developed products and services. In addition, the workshop participants will be drawn from the following countries; Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania & Uganda.

Among the expected outcomes from the regional workshop are a developed road map of common implementation activities, engaged stakeholders, and the user needs and feedback on different aspects of the project documented. Furthermore, it is expected to reinforce regional exchanges and stimulate the cross-fertilisation of ideas among stakeholders.

Lead Consortiums

ICPAC is the consortium leader in implementing GMES and Africa in the East African Region under the action titled “Monitoring Natural Resources and Food Security in the East African Region”.  ICPAC is developing three services 

RCMRD is the consortium leader in implementing GMES and Africa in the East African Region under the action titled “Land Degradation Monitoring and Assessment (LDMA), Wetlands Monitoring and Assessment (WMA) and Open Geographical Regional Reference Vector Database for water and AEZ (OGRRVD).

About GMES & Africa

GMES & Africa is a continent-wide initiative on Earth Observation resulting from the longstanding cooperation between Africa and Europe. The first phase was concluded in 2021, and the second phase focuses on the two services, namely, Water and Natural Resources Services and Marine and Coastal Services.

The overall objective of the GMES & Africa project in the East African region is to promote a more sustainable long-term management of natural resources in the East Africa region by improving policy-makers, planners, scientists, businesses, private sector and citizens’ capacities to design, implement, and monitor national, regional and decision-makers through the use of Earth observation data and derived information.

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