KSA to Convene Kenya Space Expo & Conference 2022



The Space Sector High-Level Forum held on the 25th of February 2021, received support from stakeholders. This led to proposing an annual event with similar objectives to afford better engagement and in-depth discussion of issues and ideas in the space sector. As such the Kenya Space Expo & Conference was conceived. The conference will bring together industry players in an interactive forum that showcases current projects, innovations and provides an opportunity for linkages and collaboration. The Theme of the Event is “Leveraging Space Capabilities for National Development”.


The following are the key objectives of the event:
1. To nurture and promote the development of an indigenous space industry that is
robust, innovative, competitive and responsive to the needs of the country;
2. To provide a platform for linkage and collaboration for space professionals, experts,
researchers, from public and private sectors as well as students and civil society; and
3. To explore and showcase the benefits of space applications for national socio-economic development.

Structure of the event

The Kenya Space Expo & Conference 2022 will be held over three days from 15 to 17 June 2022 in Nairobi, Kenya. Furthermore, the activities will include keynote speeches, plenary sessions, breakout sessions, panel discussions, and exhibitions. In addition, it will see discussions in the application areas of EO, Navigation and Positioning, Satellite Communication, Space Science and Space Systems Engineering through the following six cross-cutting themes:
1. Policy, strategy, law and regulation;
2. Capacity building with a focus on academia and space sector;
3. Application of space technologies for socio-economic development;
4. Partnerships, funding and resource mobilization;
5. Private sector’s role, challenges and opportunities; and
6. Future of the industry.

Expected Outcomes

The Kenya Space Expo & Conference 2022 will develop a better understanding and appreciation of the importance of Space in Kenya’s socio-economic development by Kenyan
decision-makers and stakeholders. Furthermore, it will provide a platform for interaction and networking. Therefore, the organisers expect the participants to:
1. Discover and identify the potential use of space applications and tools for the sustainable
socioeconomic development of Kenya and, the necessity and challenges related to the
Kenyan space capabilities including data, infrastructure and human capital
development and utilisation;
2. Understand space-related international treaties, conventions and other instruments
that impact decision-making processes and activities;
3. Explore opportunities for enhancing collaboration and establishing linkages for the
growth of the indigenous space sector;
4. Enhance their awareness in space science applications, policy, law and regulatory
instruments and governance; and
5. Develop a sustainable community of practice for the policymakers and development
agencies that shall lead to deeper integration of the Space industry into the
mainstream economy.


The Kenya Space Expo & Conference 2022 will draw participation from the private sector,
academia, government representatives, professional networks, international and regional
organizations among others.


The Kenya Space Agency is convening the event with sponsorship from partners invested in the growth and development of the space sector. Various specific sponsorship packages are
available for institutional sponsors.


The Kenya Space Expo & Conference 2022 will steer enthusiasm of the wider
Kenyan public, spur growth in the industry as well as create synergy and valuable linkages in Kenya’s space sector.

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