L3Harris’ Webinar on Using Geospatial Data in the Disaster Management Cycle


On Thursday, 8 July 2021, L3Harris will host a webinar that will focus on leveraging geospatial data to mitigate natural and artificial disasters. Artificial and natural disasters occur more frequently and with greater intensity, strain resources and challenge community resilience. Furthermore, to help combat these disasters, organisations and governmental agencies can utilise remote sensing data to plan for, mitigate risks, and manage the response and recovery efforts when disasters strike. 

In addition, during this webinar, participants will learn how organisations can combine remote sensing data and L3Harris technology during all phases of the disaster management cycle – mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.

There will be a Q&A session at the end of the webinar, and the event will be presented in English.

This webinar will be offered three times to reach customers and prospects worldwide. 

Please register for the webinar that best fits your location:

  • Asia-Pacific

  • Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA)

  • Americas

For questions and further enquiries, please email events@L3Harris.com

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