The IAF GNF Space Conversations Series are a fortnightly, free-of-charge registration, live online webinars that will touch upon the most recent developments in space, organized within the frame of the IAF Global Networking Forum (IAF GNF).
Throughout these bi-weekly live conversations, the IAF will aim at strengthening even further the ties with its Members and will flag topics that are relevant for the overall space community. These conversations will offer you all the opportunity to come together, connect, be inspired and informed by leaders and experts in multiple fields of space.
The second edition of the IAF GNF Space Conversations Series is coming soon!
Join IAF on Wednesday 25 November 2020 at 14:00 CET, for an exciting IAF GNF Space Conversations Series organized by the IAF Administrative Committee on Developing Countries and Emerging Communities (ACDCEC) on the topic of “Bridging the Space Divide for Developing Countries and Emerging Communities“.
The Administrative Committee on Developing Countries and Emerging Communities (ACDCEC) has been formally established to advance the Federation’s work with respect to developing countries and emerging communities. The primary objectives of the Committee with respect to serving the needs of Developing Countries and Emerging Communities is to:
- Share knowledge and provide expert support,
- Produce tangible benefits
- Promote active participation in the IAF events and activities.
In deliberating about how best to advance these objectives, the Committee has identified four key work streams, namely, (i) optimize the cost-benefit in terms of affordability and accrued value, (ii) improve communications and create awareness of the IAF offerings, (iii) advocate for a better understanding of the full space-related benefits; and (iv) increase the representation of experts in IAF events and activities.
We invite experts and interested individuals and organizations from developing countries and emerging communities to join this Global Networking Forum, as the Committee shares what they are planning for you as well as partnership opportunities, as we put these plans into action. Your association and inputs into the work of the Committee will be instrumental in informing and shaping these plans, as we enter the implementation phase.
Don’t miss the chance to be part of the conversation and join on November 25 via the following link:
For more information on this initiative and to submit your proposal please visit:
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