Register for ClimSA Inaugural Forum’21


The Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (Secretariat of the OACPS) invites you to the inaugural ClimSA Forum (ClimaSA’21). This follows the launch event of the intra-ACP Climate Services and related Applications Programme (ClimSA), which held on 30 March 2021. It is scheduled to hold virtually on 15, 16 and 18 November 2021.

The goal of the Intra-ACP Climate Services and Related Application (ClimSA) Programme (EUR 85 million (USD 96 million) / 6 years) is to support the climate information services value chain with technical assistance, financial assistance, infrastructure and capacity building to improve comprehensive access to and use of climate information and to enable and encourage the generation and use of climate services and applications for decision-making processes at all levels.

Furthermore, ClimSA will contribute to fostering sustainable development by preventing desertification, preserving ecological biodiversity, and sustainable use of water management in ACP countries by improving the decision-making process through informed adaptation options to climate variability and change. This action will strengthen coordination between climate services providers and users in climate-sensitive sectors to resource and implement the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) at all levels.

The Secretariat of the OACPS is trusting that ClimSA’21 will foster transparent and invaluable exchange between climate service users and providers across the six regions of the OACPS to ensure climate adaptation action is effective and efficient. In addition, the forum will enable the 79 member countries and regions of the OACPS to work together and with others to tackle the climate crisis.

The registration form and the agenda can be accessed through this e-link.

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