Register for ENSGTS 2021 Training Session


The National School of Geodetic Sciences and Space Techniques (ENSGTS) provides academic training in the fields of geodetic sciences, positioning and space techniques. As a result, ENSGTS offers students from higher schools and universities an opportunity to obtain the second cycle of training after passing the national competition, which will be organized on Saturday, October 16, 2021.


  • Mathematics (8:30 a.m – 10 a.m)
  • Physics (10:30 a.m – 12 p.m)
  • English (1 p.m – 2 p.m)

NOTE: The tests are for 1st and 2nd-grade LMD programs and the first two (2) years of preparatory schools.


The Registration Form must be fully completed. Click here to download the Form. Furthermore, the complete form should contain important information such as:

  • A handwritten request (phone number + email address);
  • A copy of the national identity card; and
  • A copy of the BAC’s transcript.

Important information

  • Transcripts of the two years of the common core and grading certificate in the national competition.
  • Applications must be submitted here before October 6, 2021, the deadline for pre-selection.
  • Any incomplete or non-compliant file with the required profile or received after October 6, 2021, will be inadmissible.
  • The candidates, whose files are selected, will be informed through their emails to participate in the competition.
  • Only students under the age of  23 by the date of the competition are eligible to apply.

Check here for more information about the competition and the training.

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