Register for the Third Advanced ArAS School for Astrophysics


The Arab Astronomical Society (ArAS) and the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG) announce the third Advanced ArAS School for Astrophysics held at the Kottamia Astronomical Observatory, Egypt, on September 15-22, 2023.

The ArAS School for Astrophysics is an initiative of the Arab Astronomical Society (ArAS) aimed at giving brilliant and motivated students interested in astronomy the opportunity to be trained by international professional astronomers globally. 

ArAs School for Astrophysics is endorsed by the Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD) of the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Furthermore, it will provide a platform for astrophysics knowledge sharing, triggering collaborations between fellow Arab astrophysicists and building a solid professional Arab community in the field.

Based on the host’s experience at the First Arab Winter School for Astrophysics (FAWSA), the Second Arab Winter School for Astrophysics (AWSA-II), the Third ArAS School for Astrophysics (ArAS SfA-3), and the Fourth ArAS School for Astrophysics (ArAS SfA-4), the content of the Third Advanced ArAS School for Astrophysics (ArAS SfA-Adv3) will focus mainly on different practices and skills of professional astronomers. ArAS SfA Adv-3 is open to PhD students, postdocs and researchers from all countries globally. Specifically, the SfA-Adv3 will cover the following fields:

  • Cosmology with Large Galaxy Survey;
  • Theory: Introduction to the large-scale structure of the universe and galaxy surveys;
  • Practical session: Hands-on session on data analysis using galaxy catalogues obtained from cosmological simulations;
  • Theory: Galaxies: Morphology and Evolution;
  • Practical session: Hands-on session on finding the mass of Black Holes of AGN; and
  • Hands-on session on using GALFIT to quantify Galaxy Morphology.

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