The South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) is calling for bids

Press release from SARAO


SARAO is looking to appoint contractors to design and increase the capacity of the Long-Haul Fibre from the existing fibre link in Carnarvon Point of Present (POP) to SKA Site in Northern Cape and provide Fibre Drop-Offs to new sites

BID Number: NRF/SARAO SNET/07/2021-22

Closing date: Wednesday, 30 June 2021 11.00 AM

CIDB Contractor Grading

SARAO estimates that contractors must have a CIDB contractor grading designation of 4EP or higher. Potentially emerging enterprises that satisfy the criteria stated in the Tender Data may submit tender offers.

Compulsory Site Visit: 

Wednesday, 9 June 2021 (Compulsory)

Time: 10.00am

Venue for Site Visit: 

Northern Cape, SKA Klerefontein SARAO Support Base Site. (GPS coordinates: 30°57’58.8″S 21°59’20.3″E ), Google Maps street view: Link

Bid Submission: 

Applicants must submit via Electronic submissions to Applicants must also submit bids in two separate electronic folders, one with the compliance and technical response and the second with the financial response. Furthermore, applicants must ensure to protect the financial response with a password. Additionally, applicants must title folders with the bidder’s company name and folder title. Attachments are limited to 25 MB per email.

Bidders are to send an email to post submission with the password to their financial envelope.

For more information, please visit the SARAO’s website.  

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